I pray, my son, from the bottom of my heart, that someone is with you in that moment you are called. Someone who loves you like me. Someone who misses you like me. Someone who breaks like me. I pray, my son, from the bottom of my heart - that it never will be me.
Art series, future, photography, photo, photo art, foto, fotograf, Tina Langenbach, varberg, halland, sweden
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My real name

A thousand names I´ve been called

Thrown like stones

That cut through the waters

Towards the bottom of my heart


As I namelessly struggle

I keep on carrying the rocks

Using them as ballast

To balance through life


One day God will grant me

A white stone in my palm

I will turn it over to see written

What my real name is



Supplement: Revelation 2:17

My real name

A thousand names I´ve been called

Thrown like stones

That cut through the waters

Towards the bottom of my heart


As I namelessly struggle

I keep on carrying the rocks

Using them as ballast

To balance through life


One day God will grant me

A white stone in my palm

I will turn it over to see written

What my real name is



Supplement: Revelation 2:17