I pray, my son, from the bottom of my heart, that someone is with you in that moment you are called. Someone who loves you like me. Someone who misses you like me. Someone who breaks like me. I pray, my son, from the bottom of my heart - that it never will be me.
Art series, future, photography, photo, photo art, foto, fotograf, Tina Langenbach, varberg, halland, sweden
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From the lectern in my livingroom

I paint in black and white

So that the colour-blind mass

Need not ask about the shades


Yet I speak straight from my heart

I find myself lying

Like when I praise my childhood

While it still haunts me at night


The black letters on the screen

Are heavy and hard as steel

Each tap forming a bar around me

Soon no escape route left


For a moment I enjoy the cheers

Hiding my ambivalence to the world

Wearing it like a cilice

Around my chafing heart



Supplement: Ephesians 4:29


From the lectern in my livingroom

I paint in black and white

So that the colour-blind mass

Need not ask about the shades


Yet I speak straight from my heart

I find myself lying

Like when I praise my childhood

While it still haunts me at night


The black letters on the screen

Are heavy and hard as steel

Each tap forming a bar around me

Soon no escape route left


For a moment I enjoy the cheers

Hiding my ambivalence to the world

Wearing it like a cilice

Around my chafing heart



Supplement: Ephesians 4:29